I was at work today thinking about plugging back my GameCube with the intention to play Luigi's Mansion again, and then I realized that it might be the perfect game for Esteban to start with in his survival-horror list.
I was at work today thinking about plugging back my GameCube with the intention to play Luigi's Mansion again, and then I realized that it might be the perfect game for Esteban to start with in his survival-horror list.
No, no, no, no. Bloobs are a secondary ramification of the Blue Boobs that look almost as real as the Blue Boobs approach to the uncanny valley but fail at the same time because they're not real.
Blue boobs.
I'm a broken record... Eternal Darkness.
I didn't think your fear was that bad until I started reading some of your recent tweets. It's like I want to laugh, and yet send a message of confort at the same time. It's a good thing we don't work in the same physical space because otherwise I would have scared the crap out of you just so that you could get used to it.
This is just pure nonsense.
I would hold off on the Mass Effect 3 ending hate. I don't agree 100% with what they've done, but nonetheless I can kind of see what they were going for based on what information I've accumulated. I'm just waiting to see what Bioware does, and also what the "From Ashes" DLC offers in terms of plot.
I was impressed by the scripted performance, but by no means do the visuals look that real. Alas, you can make a puppet seem real, yet you can see it is not.
If anything this has nothing to do with piracy. The fact that you're still allowed to transfer data onto a PC, and thus the data is still viable to be hacked.
Oh, and I'm jealous that you at least get time to play games, and that you are buying games. Right now I can't do either.
Last May I got Farcry/Farcry 2 for $7.49 on Steam. You just have to wait for when they have another deal.