I got the ME trilogy from PSN+ when it was on sale. I have yet to play more than an hour which is about the same as I did when it first came out for 360.
Look like you guys were having some fun.
I got the ME trilogy from PSN+ when it was on sale. I have yet to play more than an hour which is about the same as I did when it first came out for 360.
Look like you guys were having some fun.
I managed to do my 20 blogs this year and I usually miss a day so that's good.
We always lose people along the way but overall I think we did well
Nope, you cannot play PS2 games on Vita. :P
I had to buy a new PS3 but then I have close to 1000 digital games for it. Yep, I can play the PSP and PS1 games on my PS TV or PSP but I have so many PS3 games there is no way I'm going to go without a working PS3. That would be like pissing away a shitload of money.
You need to mix it up with some QotSA and Them Crooked Vultures. :)
The most recent Survival Horror I've touched is The Evil Within which I immediately regretted buying after 2 hours of it. I do not like running away from things. I prefer to clear out the monsters, explore and solve puzzles. I like my SH games to be creepy like early Silent Hill games. Rather than have an abomination with a chain saw chasing me for 8 hours.
I bought RE 0 too but that's a remake so it doesn't count as recent.
me too. EB games won't even let me preorder the new one at the moment.
Child of Light is great. Good luck convincing the warden er wife on the new telly. LOL I know all about the putting the foot down thing. Somehow we're supposed to actually need it first.
Go to your room and think about what you've done. We'll decide on your punishment later. :P