Yeah, I definitely agree it will look better when played.
Yeah, I definitely agree it will look better when played.
MGSV I'm already sold on. The demo was cool, but I don't want to know anything about that game. MGS is a series I like to go in as fresh as possible.
I enjoyed Far Cry 3 a lot and Far Cry 4 looks like a better version of it so that's good enough for me.
I'm sold on the idea, I'm just unsure on the execution. The only game these guys did before was more arcadey, and this is one hell of a project to try to pull off. Even Bioware and Bethesda weren't this ambitious last gen and their projects were all about ambition.
I think they've revealed pretty much everything they can at this point. The game's coming out pretty soon.
If I had an 11 spot, Captain Toad would definitely be there. Already checked out your blog, I'll comment on it in a bit.
I'm not trying to be a dick here, but maybe you didn't get replies because your review wasn't good. These just have something to comment on since you're incredibly stubborn and pretty out of touch with gaming, but that was just you talking about how much you love challenge.
Most of this is stuff I'd really like to see there. I'd also want to see if EA's doing anything else with Star Wars besides Battlefront. Rumors of Visceral doing a Star Wars game seems like a good fit and I'm really crossing my fingers for Kotor 3/HD Collection.
I really want to see Nintendo remake 64 on the Galaxy engine, or an updated one that uses the graphical prowess of Wii U. Love the levels, but man the controls have aged horribly. Might not be a bad idea for 2016 with its 10 year anniversary. Also would love to see a Galaxy HD collection and wouldn't mind Zelda or Prime in HD
Life's not fair and rather than making people who have it good feel bad about themselves, try making those who have it bad have an easier life. What's that? It takes work? Well then get off of your $900 Mac and go back to enjoying your other hundred first world luxuries.