when Frau Engel's busted-ass mouth graced the screen is jolted the hell out of me. I jumped in my seat.....crazy bitch, that one.
when Frau Engel's busted-ass mouth graced the screen is jolted the hell out of me. I jumped in my seat.....crazy bitch, that one.
he looks a little like mega man when he runs
I have zero experience at present with the Vita, so be default I'm going to have to go with 3DS. In that 3DS for the sixteen hour flight would be an RPG. Probably a Legend Of Zelda game.
I need to go and get a new battery abd battery door for my PSP. The disc-reading/playing part of my PSP went catywompous a long time ago, but it's perfect for playing ps1 games, as well as the bevy of downloadable titles I splurged on last year from the PSN for PSP.
I tried the first Valkyria game back in 2009 and enjoyed it; I thought it was neat mixing all of the different gameplay elements up. Why that game never got trophy support I'll never know, as it's clearly one of the PS3's best titles. At least, I think so!
I wish I could get into Atelier, but it's too cutesy for my tastes. I look forward to reading your thoughts on Escha and Logy though....(eschatology?)
i had a decent time with Wolfenstein, though I ended up returning it prior to finishing. Ill get back to it in the future I'm sure. For now though I've got my hands full with Demon's Souls and the first Mass Effect!
i used to have hats to match those throwback padres jerseys.
I used to wear them to Theta Chi parties back when they still had the house on the Row...back in like 2001. At SDSU. ;)
Those were some good, good times.
ahhh, Mr Galifinokopoulos
or something of that nature lol.
That haircut screams credibility.
Barbie's First Free Clinic Visit.....I wonder what the ESRB on that is lol
congratulations on re-entering college, Your Grace.
Also, I love the Fallout games. I should replay Fallout 3.
I got Quantum Conundrum in a bundle with Tomb Raider via PSN awhile back. I've yet to check'er out....though now that I know it's pretty much Portal, I'm gonna.
or are those merely booster items?