Being as my OCD causes me to play things in order of release, and I've yet to play any of the MGS games, probably not likely to blog about it any time soon. We need to get GH back to blogging. He's the biggest Metal Gear fan I know.
Being as my OCD causes me to play things in order of release, and I've yet to play any of the MGS games, probably not likely to blog about it any time soon. We need to get GH back to blogging. He's the biggest Metal Gear fan I know.
I prefer physical copies for the most part, but that's mostly due to space constraints and a download cap (curse you, Comcast!). That said, I do love Microsoft's Games With Gold program. I've gotten several games that I probably never would have tried otherwise and ended up loving.
I'm the opposite from you, I generally prefer story over gameplay. I love how there's plenty of choices for both camps, though.
The very best airport layover I ever had was in Vegas. I found myself a seat with a great view of several banks of slot machines and just people-watched for the whole three hours. I can't remember if I wrote down my observations anywhere else but in an email to my sister, though.
Rodney lives! I know very well how being busy at work affects blogging.
Glad you enjoyed it. I've been an avid naturalist since I was old enough to notice the world around me, so it really shouldn't have surprised my family when I decided to become a park ranger. What surprises most people is the fact I'm also a gamer. Love busting that stereotype wide open.
Thanks for the well wishes for my speedy healing. So far, so good, I haven't re-opened the cut, it's still clean, and the glue is holding.
The cut isn't so bad that I can't use my finger. I just need to keep it clean and dry. So far, so good using the shoulder buttons on my 3DS. We'll see how things go with the 360 :)
Yeah, they'll go elsewhere to find what they need until after you've been home for a while, but they'll be back. I wish my landlady would let me put up a birdfeeder.
The frogs and toads are on the move. Some have recently turned into frogs, others are headed to wherever it is they overwinter.
My finger gets me out of cleaning the bathrooms for the rest of the week :)
I'll stick with the glue. So far, so good, even after I smacked it getting something out from behind the seat in the car.
Yes, it is! Especially since it's my right index finger.