Radiant Historia is a new one on me. Will have to read up on that one later. I need some good RPG's for DS.
Radiant Historia is a new one on me. Will have to read up on that one later. I need some good RPG's for DS.
We have 5 cats as well. Most of them are big,lazy sluggos that love to lay about. One is always found in the position Zelda is in. Such a trusting cat. Most laid back pet in our house,that one.
The 90's brings back fond memories for me. A huge decade in my life and a time for growth. Music,movies,and gaming was out of this world. I had so much fun. Found myself in Portland,Oregon at the height of grunge. So this series will be very interesting to me.
You were the first person I thought of after hearing about MGSV coming. I figured you would be pretty excited,I know I am. Hideo Kojima at the helm is all the data I need on that one. The game you just finished is a testament to his genius.
Wow! Garnet Rogers plays the hell out of his guitar. His nephew is no slouch either. They both have tremendous voices. Silly Wizard I am familiar with,really great group. I think Jed and Elizabeth are my two favorites. I like the style of singing she does. Instantly transports you to the hills in another era. That was cool to hear Jed speaking to the audience. All those Canadians! What's that aboot? Just kidding,they are wonderful.
PTO IV does look good. It's the only game you mention that I had not heard of. A WWII strategy game could prove rather challenging.
It certainly will. If Lilith is involved it should be fun. She's one of my favorite characters in the game. She's a badass and very funny at times.
It actually is third person,and you get to choose your character. That part was cool but the gameplay was annoying. It seemed so sluggish compared to Call Of Duty :Black Ops 2.
So many remixes of that song on YouTube. Drive introduced me to a whole new genre of music. I call it "80's style electronic driving music" as it usually has something to do with fast cars at night.
Bloodhound Gang is so funny. I love their songs. Divynls song was great,too. I remember messing around with the Tool CD case. I would cut out little images from game mags(two of them) and put them in there to make them 3D. It worked most of the time. I no longer have an N64,and that was a game I really liked. Goldeneye is the one I miss most.