Say if you want to play WSOP let me know add me to your freinds leeradical42 send me a request and I will add you.
Say if you want to play WSOP let me know add me to your freinds leeradical42 send me a request and I will add you.
playtesters run a beta hell theres all kinds of ways and they new they would have a ton of players with a mass sale of there games i mean im not mad at them i just wished they would havlearned from the sim city debacle now there sitting here with a online game that released tuesday and still have not fixed it.
DId we not learn anything from the Sim City launch.
YEa I know its the biggest selling game release ever but damn they should have delayed the launch until they had it up running its not like they didn't know how many games they sold.
I knew there would be issues just didn't think it would be this bad lol.
Yea I shouldnt even have tried I should have known better lol.
Yea I know but its still frustrating.
Well im with ya on the GTA5 online issues what kills me is they knew how many games they sold after the 17th so they shouldnt have made the oct 1st launch if they couldnt handle this many people you think they would have delayed the release so no biggey just have to wait lol!!
Not in to punk so I will be ready for the metal.
Sometimes were just not meant to get games when we want.