He's covered wars, y'know!
Over a year ago, Capcom released the original Dead Rising 2. It starred brand new protagonist Chuck Greene, a character I actually liked. Unlike Frank West, he had a backstory worth caring about, as well as a personality befitting of a hero. In an effort to protect his daughter and deliver her the Zombrex she so desperately needed, he saved dozens of lives and uncovered the origins of the zombie outbreak in Fortune City. For whatever reason, fans didn't like Chuck Greene much and Capcom has since taken strides to nearly write him out of the series. Off the Record goes as far as retelling the same story with Frank West in his place. Given that the retelling comes with a slew of upgrades and an entirely new mode, it's most definitely a better game; however, Frank West still doesn't resonate with me as a character, nor does his signature picture-taking ability as a gameplay mechanic.
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