Sam gives us the lowdown (a lengthy one at that!) on Chains of Olympus for PixlBit's first Review Rewind.
I’d like to start off saying that I have been a fan of the God of War series for years. Back in 2005 (I say it like it was ages ago), I remember sitting down, watching Cheat on television and being tickled by the concept of a game that seemed to combine punching things in the face with Greek mythology. In 2007, sometime before God of War 2 hit markets, I remember sitting down (at a different television this time) to introduce my fellow Pixlbit-er Chessa to the game that finally forced me to learn where the buttons on the PS2 controller were, all while cussing up a merry storm as she stood by, slack-jawed, at the token violence, random optional sex, and angry bald Spartan grunting.
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