Amazon's newest promotion rewards consumers purchasing video games.
A promotional video game deal is currently under way, courtesy of Amazon. Gamers will get cash back if they spend a certain amount of money.
Amazon's newest promotion rewards consumers purchasing video games.
A promotional video game deal is currently under way, courtesy of Amazon. Gamers will get cash back if they spend a certain amount of money.
A tweet on their official twitter page confirms the title.
Yesterday, the official Sony Twitter page confirmed that 3D Dot Game Heroes would be coming to America.
A twitter post by Q Entertainment alerts fans to the possibility.
Q Entertainment has released three extremely popular titles on both XBLA and in disc form together on the Xbox 360. Rez HD, Meteos Wars, and Every Extend Extra Extreme are three titles they currently have no intention of bringing to PSN.
Players will be able to augment reality in 2010.
Ghostwire: Link to the Paranormal is an augmented reality game wherein players will be able to see ghosts in the real world via their DSi camera.
A German rating board leaks a possible DSiWare title.
According to a recent post on Germany's USK board, Rayman is coming to DSiWare.
Capcom reveals the box art for their upcoming fighter.
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars won't be hitting North American shelves until January 26 of 2010, but today Capcom gave fans of the series their first look at the North American box art.
Full trophy list for both games released along with the release date.
Big news came today for God of War fans when Sony finally announced the release date for their upcoming HD remake double pack, God of War Collection.
The arcade classic is returning with a twist.
Konami announced today that they are bringing back the arcade classic, Frogger. Frogger Returns will feature the same gameplay that made the title a hit 25 years ago when it first hit the market.
Ignition Entertainment released this final trailer in celebration of the game's release.
Ignition Entertainment's newest title Nostalgia, is officially available in stores today.
The series has been to the Middle East and now Europe, so where will it go next?
The first Assassin's Creed was best known for its expansive locales that allowed players to run and climb around however they saw fit.