Such a bizarre blending of existing game inspirations that it HAS to work.
Megabyte Punch – an up and coming self-described “Super Smash Bros. meets Mega Man meets Custom Robo” trifecta, is looking to be an absolute killer. The first thing I took notice of is the absolutely gorgeous art style. Megabyte Punch uses the Unity3D engine, and while it has been known for a while now that it’s a pretty powerful engine, I haven’t seen anything as impressive as what the team at Reptile Games have done with it. A unique spin on a classic visual style, an old school soundtrack made for the modern day, and a smart control scheme make Megabyte Punch worthy of your attention. The worlds look like someone took the stages from Knuckles’ Chaotix, extruded them into the third dimension, and dumped a comically sized vat of beauty on it. They’re a rigid, robotic cousin of the worlds of Sonic, and that’s not a bad thing at all - the levels all have multiple paths to the end, with different enemies, obstacles, and more along the way.
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