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inFamous: Second Son - "Neon" Trailer

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Digital Mystery Tour Episode 10: Sing For Me

We've got your Top 40 right here!

It's an all-vocal episode of Digital Mystery Tour this week! Julian brings you seven songs composed and performed exclusively for video games. From the burning spirit of some special rangers to the sour grapes of an evil AI and an opera that will take your breath away, this collection of music really shows the incredible range that can be found in video games. Enjoy, and come back next week when we kick off Battle Themes month. You won't want to miss it!

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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Review

It’s time to be honest and admit that games could use more silly, stupid motivations to shoot stuff.

Basing an entire game around a gag is risky. What if the joke isn’t funny? What if it peters out after the first twenty minutes? So much could go wrong centering a game entirely on a goof. Thankfully, Ubisoft Montreal went all in with their giant farce, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and scored a big win.  By weaving well-crafted jokes into a quality shooter, they’ve created the perfect game for fans of satire and game-bullets that should inspire other devs to cool it on the artsy-fartsy stuff every once in a while.

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Double Dragon: Neon Review

You spin me right 'round baby, right 'round...

If you’ve read my reviews for Guardian Heroes and Golden Axe, it’s pretty clear that I’m a big fan of the classic arcade-style beat ‘em up. Many critics will say that this genre is an irrelevant dinosaur and has no place in modern gaming, but I disagree. While the old “quarter muncher” design philosophy no longer works today I truly believe that the side-scrolling brawler can still be a viable genre with the right updates to the formula. WayForward comes frustratingly close to bringing this genre into the modern age, but doesn’t quite get the job done with Double Dragon: Neon.

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 7: The Daily Planet

More like Newsies Without Pants, amiright?

You were probably expecting a really entertaining discussion about our favorite female video game characters with a real life lady guest. Sadly, this episode of Nerds Without Pants is another sausage fest. We hope we can bring that topic to you in the future, but for now please enjoy this free form episode.

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Double Dragon: Neon - Gameplay Trailer

Available next week from the PlayStation 3's PlayStation Store, and as an Xbox LIVE Arcade title on the Xbox 360.

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Double Dragon: Neon Preview

It’s all '80s, all the time.

Double Dragon is one of those games that everyone has played, or at least heard of. From its humble beginning as an arcade brawler, the franchise has gone on to make an appearance in some form in almost every console generation. The original title was ported to nearly every available system at the time, including the Atari 2600 in 1988. (And you thought this console generation was long!) Brothers Jimmy and Billy have been in one on one fighting games, have teamed up with the Battletoads on the SNES, and had the Double Dragon world predominantly featured in a completely over the top fan tribute to the NES called Abobo’s Big Adventure. Needless to say, Majesco and WayForward have some pretty big shoes to fill.

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Double Dragon: Neon Announced For XBLA, PSN

The reboot will feature an '80s neon style.

Double Dragon has already seen several reboots over the years. There was the Game Boy Advance title, Double Dragon Advance, that released back in 2003, an XBLA HD version from 2007, and an iOS version released just this past year. All of them are based on the original arcade game, which turns 25 this year. Enter Double Dragon: Neon, the latest remake in the series.

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