Begin a musical journey with PixlBit!
Welcome to another excellent podcast from PixlBit! I guess once you've been bitten by the podcasting bug you feel this need to create interesting and entertaining shows, and with that in mind, I decided to spearhead Sound in Action: PixlBit's gaming music podcast!
It's going to be thirty cents for a month on Wii U, and that is a steal.
More stunning confessions from me to you! I didn’t get into the Metroid series until Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion, and didn’t even play Super Metroid until maybe two years after I played Metroid Prime. While the first Prime title took many design inspirations from Super Metroid, I didn’t enjoy Super Metroid at first, mostly because I played it through less than reputable means. Once I got to play it on the Wii Virtual Console, I finally understood why this game is considered an SNES classic. Super Metroid sports great game design, with a wonderful atmosphere unparalleled on any 16-bit system. At only 30 cents on the Wii U eShop until June 16, there’s little reason to not give this excellent title a shot.
New features incoming!
Howdy PixlBit friends! As you know, the site is in need of a few upgrades to improve its usability. As such, I've been working hard to roll these features out as quickly as possible. Today's changelog isn't too hefty, but I think it's a good starting point for some of the bigger stuff coming down the line.
Nothing of import detected.
On this, the final episode of Backloggers Anonymous covering Too Human, we discuss the final two missions, the overall plot and story, and dig a little deeper into the issues we had with some of the choices the game designers made. Joaquim gives up on his quest for dragon armor, Julian explains his love/hate relationship with Denis Dyack, and I, now free from pain meds, discusses my difficulty understanding Baldur as a character. Finally, we say our goodbyes and offer our final opinions of our journey though Too Human.
Final Fantasy leaves Nintendo and goes 3D
Welcome to the third part of our comprehensive look at the history of the Final Fantasy series, celebrating 25 years of role playing goodness. In the last edition, we cast the spotlight on three of the most highly regarded games in the series. This time we break into the third dimension and watch the franchise move into the mainstream. Join us now as we look at the PlayStation Years!