Digital Mystery Tour's Month of Battle continues!
For my contribution to Battle Month, I decided to focus on some of the more obscure stuff out there. There's music from portable games, RPG's and even some retro stuff. Check it out!
These tracks will punch you in the face with their sheer awesomeness!
It's week two of Battle Themes Month here on Digital Mystery Tour! JD opened things up with some great tracks from modern JRPGs. I decided to widen the range a bit, and have some excellent fight music that spans multiple generations and genres. Tune in next week to see what Angelo has come up with, and be sure to comment on my blog post to get some of your choices in the final week of Battle Themes!
We criticize because we love.
It's time for another excellent episode of Nerds Without Pants! Oh, you lucky, lucky people. This week, it's all about JRPGs for the main topic, but as always we begin with Consumption Junction.
First attack!
Welcome to Battle Theme month at Digital Mystery Tour! JD kicks things off with a selection of modern JRPG battle music that's sure to get your blood pumping. Be warned: this episode of DMT features so much butt rock. So very much butt rock. Fighting Vipers fans should be right at home.
We've got your Top 40 right here!
It's an all-vocal episode of Digital Mystery Tour this week! Julian brings you seven songs composed and performed exclusively for video games. From the burning spirit of some special rangers to the sour grapes of an evil AI and an opera that will take your breath away, this collection of music really shows the incredible range that can be found in video games. Enjoy, and come back next week when we kick off Battle Themes month. You won't want to miss it!