It's bad I haven't touched these games...
Hope you're having a great weekend. I know you're not supposed to do BaD on weekends but I like bending the rules every now and then. Plus, people wouldn't have anything to read on the weekend. Now on to the selling point of this blog, the DS. I'll tell you, when the DS was first announced I really didn't care for it. I mean it looked neat, but I wasn't sold on 2 screens in a handheld. I mean I just got a GBA SP and I loved it, I mostly got it for Pokemon though. Then Pokemon Diamond and Pearl was announced on the DS and it went from not interested to I needed one. However I played other games that were pretty good that used the touch screen well. There are still games I haven't tried yet, and I'll list them like the previous entries. But first, here are some blogs you might of missed:
Travis Hawk's Kong a Day 8
C.S.3590SquadLeader's Sneaky TV
gigantor21 ponders a Nintendo free future
Joe Step talks TEDxSFA
KnightDriver's games of his life
Machocruz talks Super Metroid
NintendoFanJon resorts to cats now
NSonic79 loves Halo
mothman quick thoughts on Bravely Default
Keegs79's future purchases
escaped_shoplifter returns
Also, a few more days left before my first Q/A on Pixlbit begins, so if you have anything you want to ask, then pm it my way. And with that out of the way, here are the DS games I want to try:

Okamiden: I never played Okami, I probably should to see what all the fuss is about. I don't know much about Okamiden, I think I read that it was a prequel or something. It looked neat from what I saw. May give it a go if I need to try this before Okami.

Ghost Trick: I don't know much about GhostTrick, other than it was made by the guy who made the Ace Attourney games. I heard it was really good and is pretty funny.

Aliens: Infestation: I've never seen the Aliens movies, I'm not one for horror or monster movies unless it involves Godzilla. However I heard that this game was really good, it plays like a 2D Metroid game. It got great reviews, I once saw it for 10 bucks and never picked it up. I regret not doing so.

Scurge: The Hive: This is a game that Jeremy Parish talked about at 1up long ago. I had no idea what kind of game this was till I read his article on it. It plays like a 2D Metroid game in an almost asymmetrical view. It's really cheap, so for that price it's worth a look.

Monster Tale: I remember reading about this game on Nintendo Power a long time ago, it looked cool but then I read further and that's when it was an eventual buy to must have. The reason was that it was made by the guys who made Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure on the DS, which I have. It's one of my favorite games on the DS. Anyway Monster Tale blends monster raising with platforming. I really want to try it.

Radiant Historia: An rpg which I heard got alot of praise but became hard to find. It is almost at full price still at Amazon. I like the concept of time travel in the game to change the story. I'll give it a go at some point.

The World Ends With You: I heard this game makes good use of the touch screen and alot of my friends love it. Need to try it to see what makes it so praised.

Mega Man Zero Collection: I'll be honest, I always liked Zero more than Mega Man, I always used Zero in the X games, though it did make the games easier. Never tried these games on the GBA and now I can on the DS.

The Layton Series: I always wanted to try the games but never did because I always got something else. I heard these games have some pretty good puzzles but a bit heavy on the math. I fucking hate math, but I'm willing to give it a go.

The Castlevania Games: I only played one Castlevania game and it was on the SNES and loved it I always wanted to get back into the series and heard that the DS Castlevania games are really good. They are still cheap on Amazon, might need to get them soon.

The Ace Attorney Games: From all the games I always wanted to try, it's the Ace Attorney games. I heard that the storys and cases on these games are done very well. I would get them, but heard Capcom might release them on the 3DS as a collection. Gonna wait to see if that does happen if not I'll get them on the DS.
So that's my list, are there any DS games you want to try? Thanks for reading and later.