On 05/19/2012 at 10:59 PM,
Jon Lewis
When I first saw the Wii-U at Nintendo's Press Event last year at E3, I was pretty amazed. The controler looked cool to me, and the possibilities seemed endless. The way that action can seemlessly transfer from the controller to the screen was something that I hadn't seen before. Not to mention, the whole idea of having a DS-like experience on your TV is great. A Touch screen for item management, maps, and alternate views would make the gaming experience much easier. Not to mention things were being discussed that I hadn't thought of before. Imagine playing a driving game, and while driving, an accident happens to you left, and instead of turning on the main screen, you look to your left with the controller. You can pretty much see things that arn't on screen. Its an exciting feature in my opinion. The promise of a new Smash Brothers that would be compatable with a handheld version for the 3DS made my insides warm and fuzzy. And then there was the Zelda HD concept demo *squeals*