On 08/09/2014 at 10:19 PM,
I dont know who all on here use facebook, I do*for the current time* and I liked a page called Zeldainformer. They typically do a good job about bringing news to forefront about anything zelda and normally they are pretty trustworthy but something occured today that might have changed that credibility stance for a lot of people. Today they posted a article apparently claiming false information but at the same time they werent trying to really hide it was false. If that makes an sense, honestly Im a tad confused which going on 5 hours of sleep could be to blame. Overall they seemed to have pissed off a good chunk of their fanbase. Now I cant say whether anyone has a right to be mad or not. Im technically not upset at all by it but it brought the most interesting question up in my head, should we truely support this sort of thing in game journalism?