yeah I think the way to go would be a desktop. All the laptops I see are somewhere between 2000 dollars or higher for something high end. I've been thinking about going to best buy to look.
yeah I think the way to go would be a desktop. All the laptops I see are somewhere between 2000 dollars or higher for something high end. I've been thinking about going to best buy to look.
I actually really enjoyed Hyrule Warriors (in short spurts of course) Hopefully like you said they branch out with more 3rd party devs
Yeah Superstar Tennis was a really fun arcade style tennis experience
Collections are great. I'm always snapping one up even when they aren't great (glares at Gamecube edition of Mega Man Anniversary Collection)
yeah I love the SNK collections and games.
Yeah I enjoyed the standard def version too. And Super Paper Mario is a fairly solid platformer, it's just you know... not quite an rpg
Last Tales I finished was Zestiria and I want to get Berseria next. I love the series. I'm a Tales nut.
Yeah Shaolin Monks was good, but Soul Calibur Legends isn't quite that good. It's fairly average.
Yeah it's a shame about those mini games. I liked Skyward Sword as well. My new favorite character had to be Groose.
yeah the ace combat devs are pretty good and I liked the game