The name fits as well as the kilt!
The name fits as well as the kilt!
No worries Lee! I got the video's queued up and ready to be edited! There were a few hiccups with the PC swap, but everything has been cleared up so I should be able to pump them out pretty quickly!
Yeah, I wasn't critical of my boss or anything (He's a somewhat ok guy), I just don't need them spying on me and what I do!
And I was really drunk in that pic.. Drunk enough to jump into a pool when it was near freezing.
Thanks Joe!
Work has been checking people's FB's so I deleted mine temporarily until it all blows over. I guess someone posted something and a co-worker saw it, now the company is combing through everyone's online profile or some crap so I got rid of it for now. I should be back as soon as this all blows over though.
Hey, it's Gigantor
Glad to know Stirling is as good live as she is in her videos!
As far as games I've been playing, mostly just Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Forza 4, and quite a bit of MineCraft as well surprisingly!
And no plans for May really. I'm just taking it one day at a time!
Yeah, it must be nice to be young and flexible! lol
And yeah, 4 years now. It doesn't feel like it though. Time flies when you're having fun though!
Why is your coffee put 1/4 full, yet you still look tired? LOL
Just playing, good pics man!
Red Sox fan eh?
A long time ago (Like, decades.. Maybe half-century?), my Grandpa was actually offered a position for the Red Sox after he went and tried out for them. He didn't take it though because the girl he was dating didn't want to move. That girl later turned out to be my Grandma!
Congrats on prom, graduation, etc etc.! Sounds like it's been a fun an exciting time for you! It's hard to believe that I graduated back in 2004, and finished college at PSU in 2008. Time flies, so enjoy everything while you can (Ugh.. That made me sound really old).
I hope you enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics as well, it was one of my favorite Final Fantasy's even though it's more sub-genre'd.
PS: Monks + Ninjas = Awesome
But that's something everyone knows lol.
I was pondering the Gamertag to Face thing as well, but my studly mugshot is already my profile pic so I haven't gotten around to it.
Questions: Full name, address, and is there a tree outside your window? (That was a joke of course)
Serious Question: Being the gamer that you are, has there ever been a game in which you wish you could go back and play all over again as if it were your first time? And what about that certain game led you to pick it? Was it the story? Gameplay? Maybe a twist that you never saw coming?