Too early for a Zelda game. We haven't gotten one for the 3DS yet. Ocarina of Time doesn't count.
Too early for a Zelda game. We haven't gotten one for the 3DS yet. Ocarina of Time doesn't count.
I think they will have some sort of Wii U Sports title for launch, and to complement they will also have Pikmin. Pikmin would be a great title to show off the capabilities of the controller.
I think that Killer 7 is Goichi Suda's best work to date. I have yet to play Shadows of the Damned.
Pii U.
RE4 more so than ED. ED was the first horror game that spooked me. RE4 didn't scare me at all, but if you want to make the experience that much frustrating then you can walk around killing things instead of running like I did for the first 4 hours of the game... because I didn't know I could make the character run... yup.
After RE4 he should then proceed to play Eternal Darkness. No excuses.
Horror movies are fun to watch if they're creepy enough, and sometimes they can be outright hilarious.
If it's on Mondays I can troll Jason for sure. I've done it before.
Can you even buy a car, or house in Japan with cash?
I'm surprised that both Sony, and Microsoft don't implement a similar purchasing system like they have for Japanese cell phones. I'm sure a lot of Japanese buy games for their cell phone, and like you mentioned they are able to use their cell phones to buy stuff in the real world. I guess banks just aren't allowing both companies to use such a system (because they think they're insecure? so are cell phones), or S and M are just lazy and don't want to invest on such a structure. Though the PlayStation Vita just released in Japan, so what kind of money transfer system does it use? Oh, wait. What about on the 3DS?
I probably ain't too busy by September 29, or at least I hope not.