I'm willing to bet the guys behind The Lego Movie would make a fantastic Smash Bros movie.
I actually liked Ghosts, and I haven't liked a CoD campaign since 4. It was stupid, but I came in expecting that and it delivered in spades. Just thinking about that ending still cracks me up.
All the time. Even though it's not technically video game music, I'm still humming half the Saints Row 4 soundtracks. Also do this a lot with Sonic and Ace Attorney music.
I just got the FFX HD Collection too, though gave away the code for 2. No interest in that game whatsoever. Having fun with X though, just as long as it doesn't involve Blitzball.
Glad you're enjoying it. I had to put DS1 on hold when by XBL Gold expired, now it freezes every time I try to load my save
Greninja was the highlight for me. I'm more of a Chesnaught guy, but I'd much rather use that ninja frog since I prefer fast characters. Excited for both versions, think the Wii U in Fall will really help push consoles better than a summer release
You'd enjoy the Metroid games a lot, especially Zero Mission. Mario and Luigi I could maybe see you liking, it's less about navigating menus and more about getting your timing right, puzzle solving, and exploration. At the very least, I know you'd enjoy this jump rope minigame a lot and would love the Beanbean Kingdom. Wish Nintendo would revisit that area.
The original just hasn't aged well at all.