Yeah the hinge on the XL is on my to-do list
Yeah the hinge on the XL is on my to-do list
i'm currently trying TIME AFTER FUCKING TIME to beat the Pursuer. Sorry, not aggravated at you, just thinking about that boss pisses me off
That sucks for me...guess I'm gonna have to table it until I can give it more focused attention
Nope. Whatever the case may be, if you haven't ever had an In N Out cheeseburger you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you leave CA without doing so! ;)
happy fri-diddly-eye-day neighbor!
i hope you enjoy your time in my state. Make sure you try an In n Out cheeseburger while you're in the City Of Angels
hell yes, thanks for the follow!
Youre absolutely correct about the awesomeness of the Daily Bundle.
I gotta leave one more comment...i'm also hella excited for the new X-Men movie...after seeing the preview for it while watching the Winter Soldier, I can hardly wait for it to get here!
FF X does indeed provide a respite from the oppressive darkness of DS2.
I'm doing alright in DS2, so far as I can tell. In the first DS (which I didn't finish) I played really slowly and farmed lots of souls. In the first DS I played a Sorcerer and had him levelled in such a manner that I could also use decent armor as well as a reinforced Drake Sword. I'd nuke enemies with Soul Arrows to soften them up and deliver the killing blow with the Drake Sword.
For DS 2 I rolled a Knight, and I've just been working on reinforcing the Heide Knight Sword the last couple hours....i've got it +3 right now, just have to find some large Titanite to take it up further. I'm gatthering my strength a bit before I go into The Pursuer boss battle.
I'm right there with you on being addicted to Dark Souls 2.... I'm setting Ff X aside for a while to get back to it.