I hear you. They never seem to let you play any of the truly interesting games. I suppose it's a money thing.
I hear you. They never seem to let you play any of the truly interesting games. I suppose it's a money thing.
Which is exactly why I would have never considered Titanfall to be a system seller. A game needs to be actually exclusive in order to give you a reason to pick up new hardware.
My biggest problem with Titanfall is the fact that it is an online only game. I still like my single player experiences. There is still the possiblity that Micrsoft will be able to sell me an Xbox One, but Titanfall is not the game that will do it.
I don't mean to hate on the Xbox One too much. I can definitely see myself picking one up in the future. Just at this point, Titanfall is not the game that will sell me an Xbox One.
Overall I have been enjoying the game so far. So, I am looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say...
Especially with Dark Souls 2 this week. At least it wasn't next week with infamous.
I feel as though the knight in the illustrations is missing a shovel...
My brother is in town and I have wanted to mess around with Towerfall for the PS4. That is the reason that I am annoyed at the fact that the PSN hasn't been updated yet.
I applaud your ability to play more than 2 games at once. I don't know why, but I can't do that anymore.
Matt Smith was one of the catalysts that pushed me towards bowties to begin with. The other major factor had to do with my impending wedding and my desire to wear something a little more unique. I had attended a fair amount of weddings the year before I got married, and nobody wore a bowtie.