Even with the mono sound. I would like to have that Flashback Genesis. The others look nice too.
Even with the mono sound. I would like to have that Flashback Genesis. The others look nice too.
Congrats Nick! I'll keep track of this and get the game as soon as I adquire a Wii U.
Hmmmm..... You know, I think I should read again the book. It's been around two years since I ended it, so maybe I don't remember all the details that well.
Actually more like 8 months abroad, but close enough. Too lazy for a year in review though.
I still remember the podcast you were planning, and I was even going to participate if it wasn't for real life getting in my way. Maybe next time.
Great podcast there, though Matt and Steve had much more to talk about imo. When it comes to next gen games and consoles, besides PC and 3DS, i'm set to get a Wii U, though it's not surprising given my love of Nintendo. I'm also contemplating a Vita because I have a soft spot for Sony. I'm actually not quite interested in the PS4 and Xbone. The PS4 just doesnt have a solid library that can pull me in and the Xbone, though i'm not quite that bitter about it like before, just doesn't have that much exclusive content I can look forward besides Sunset Overdrive, Halo and the Forza games. Even for third party I can get most of them on PC.
Just to answer Matt and Steve, Sonic is still relevant.
Not feeling like doing the survey as that kind of advertisement isn't common in Colombia.
Glad you liked Limbo. I also liked it for the reasons you mentioned and also add how the minimalist aproach helps the game. There's also the horror aspect i've bloged about of course.
At the top of my head: Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Braid (it was one of the kickstarters after all), BIT. Trip Beat, Bastion, Cave Story (original freeware or remake, any would do), Dear Esther, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Hotline Miami, La-Mulana, Organ Trail, Psychonauts, Terraria and Skullgirls (I think it's now independent).
I gave up on review scores on professional gaming sites about two years ago, due to its obsession with them like you have pointed out. The only reviews I follow pretty much come from independent websites like here on Pixlbit, or some Youtubers like TotalBiscuit and otherwise see info and gameplay of the game and decide myself if it interests me.
Well, Macondo is the town, not the country and like I said, the country may or may not be Colombia.
Oww, Sonic 06. I haven't played the game, but I already know how much of a trainwreck is by watching half of this legendary LP. And a sad thing about is that the levels looked to have some nice designs and there was potential for the good game that Sega wanted, but alas, christmas rushed.