Lots of RPGs here.
Lots of RPGs here.
I should pick up a Mini.
Yeah, now I'm curious what's near me, but I'm not expecting a dedicated section to be honest.
Pretty sure the Ace Attorney games are on all three major platforms.
Ace Attorney trilogy; finished the first game on PS4 before realizing I had it on DS the whole time. I must have traded the Edgeworth spinoff game for it ... which I'm regretting, years later.
Maybe they all joined the Navajo Nation?
Too late to matter, but RE2 2019 just cause and my favorite created character ever is the winged afro man with purple beard, no shirt and white disco pants namedJamborino in Soul Calibur V. I lovingly refer to my campaign with him as The Ballad of Jamborino.
Stage Select: Eternal Darkness, Luigi's Mansion, and Resident Evil 7 VR, in that order.
Cage Match: I guess MediEvil. Only played the demo, but still played more of it than Soul Reaver and I THINK I'm pulling for the underdog in this match? Hard to tell.
Fast food: Honestly, I'm gonna throw out that Wendy's is underrated. I never realized how much I'd miss it until the one here in Nacogdoches moved away.
Damn. It's like the In-N-Out of Oklahoma!
DQ is another odd case for me because I always thought they were headquartered in Texas due to their "That's what I love about Texas" ads. Was not expecting them to have started in Illinois and be headquartered in Minnesota.