That's a secret haha. Don't want to spoil it.
I need to finish this game haha. It didn't hook me as quickly as Bioshock did. Even Bioshock 2 is left unfinished I think.
I wonder how Crackdown 3 really is. I checkd some of the review scores, and it doesn't seem like the reviewers were that satisfied with it.
I just looked up if he ever came here to Toronto, and I cannot believe how I didn't know he came here in 2016. Dammit! I got to meet him at least once in my life.
I can't wait to see what these devs do with Cyberpunk 2077.
I only played AoE by myself, but I bet it would be a ton of fun playing it against another in the same room. I think that goes for pretty much every game in existence haha.
Wouldn't be surprised if more drop out. I like Nintendo's approach, although they could easily do everything they usually do at their HQ.
They most likely have quite few folk that are talented, and hardworking. That much I will assume.
Also I want to drop this here:
I was mildly interested in this one when it caught my attention some time ago. I guess I will have to give it a try at some point in the future.