Why do you hate it so much?
Why do you hate it so much?
I skip the First one. Its honestly not that good of a game and it really doesn't hold up. 2 and 3 are excellent, and theyre less bullet spogey than 1 (though still a bit). I actually think these games might be better experienced on easy than normal mode though.
It's not just me. Kotaku, ign, Yahtzee, and others have all mentioned that all 3 of these games have absurd difficulty spikes And that a lot of it is due to controls.
playing on normal, and for the most part it's not that hard but they all have moments where you just wabt to find who made the level you're on and punch them In the dick. And if they don't have one, make one for them, and then punch them there. They are damn good games otherwise thouvh
Well I know what I'm downloading tonight!
I tried Wildstar, but I think I'm a bit burnt out on MMOs atm.
I haven't watched it but Bilby says it's a show that starts meh and gets better. She loves the steampunk inspired world too.
That's fair enough. That's how a lot of MMOs are too though. They're like facebook games with more substance. You log on play something with your guildmates and leave. But with shooters, they're popular even among non gamers. It's "cool" to play CoD or Halo so it can be a good way to share something with non gamers I guess.
MMO's definitely aren't for everyone, which is why Bungie should have been a bit more honest with their marketing. I enjoy it though.
Nice stuff as per usual. What programs do you use for your art?
Well if I'm playing and enjoying it for 6 months it's better than most games.
Whalecum back you beautiful bastard. Your art is spectacular as per usual, and I legit hadn't heard of Bloodlust until you mentioned it. I may need it now!