I'm a Canadian same as you Jaoquim. That's 200 CAD.
I'm a Canadian same as you Jaoquim. That's 200 CAD.
Yep, it looks much better in full size. You have to compare it to the consoles on top of the unit.
I am. It's a significant improvement over my old 27''. So what is my son playing on it right now? Tomba! 2 LOL
About 5 feet from it on the couch I sit on to play.
Thanks GH. Those are very expensive speaker stands. LOL.
Best of the season to you. Always great to hear from you. You want snow, you come to Canada. Except this year where London still doesn't have any and it's going to rain on Christmas day.
I'd love to go to Boston. I had so much fun there in the few visits I've had.
Oh gimme a blake, er, no not starting this again.
Is there a new model PS4 out now? I didn't know that. Funny but I thought you got your original one just a few months ago and then you said it was borked and out of warranty which confused me. I thought they had one year warranties on them.
I'm going to extend the warranty on my PS3 to 3 years soon. Probably pick up a PS4 for my birthday now that I have a real job. Wii U with a 2 TB external first though. I have to play Xenoblade Chronicles X before anything.
Yeah a month and a half later.
I'd actually love to learn Japanese. Just not while playing a text heavy video game