Thanks for the help. I'll give that a shot tomorrow.
Thanks for the help. I'll give that a shot tomorrow.
Double the fishy.....goodness? Actually they are kinda tasty. I worked for the clown for years. Fillet O Fish is one of the few things I still enjoy. Well,that and the fries...Yum!
I love those mugs! I'm a fan of bobble heads and I collect them. My favorite one is Bane. The Mega Man one is too cool to ever let go.
I have a question for you,Nick. One you can probably answer simply. What is the easiest way to add YouTube video to blogs? I was using the copy/paste method using the inbedding code and the HTML window. Worked like a charm. Now when I click on the icon in center of video (to make it larger) it turns everything gold. No matter what I try now I can't seem to get one running. Any advice?
You most certainly have a voice for podcasting. Just the right tone and a good feel for pacing. I hear podcasts every day by people who do not have those skills. Back to your music,I love Garbage and Silversun Pickups. And that Spiderman soundtrack is awesome. I like when all the songs have a common sort of feel.
I only have the first two. I could trade them and get this. It looks like a great way to collect the trilogy. Cool packaging!
I need to ask your advice on something. I'm having trouble adding YouTube videos to my blogs. Thought I had it down. I would cut/paste the inbedding code into blog via the HTML window. Now it doesn't work anymore. When I try to size the video it just turns gold and will not show up. Is there a simpler way to do this? Since you're so good at this I thought I should ask you.
That part they have covered. It's a "flow thru" system. Air is moved thru it from one end and pushed out the other side.
That is unreal! I'd heard of folks experiencing hail that big before. But never seen it. That could kill you if you got caught out in the open with no shelter. I'm certainly glad that you and your house are okay.
I need to do the math. I could get both next gen consoles for what this machine costs!