damn dude. these are awesome, and I looked at your Deviant Art stuff too. You are definitely talented and skilled. I like the Mario Kart one particularly.
damn dude. these are awesome, and I looked at your Deviant Art stuff too. You are definitely talented and skilled. I like the Mario Kart one particularly.
Saint Row 4 looks amazing!
I've never played the Gameboy titles. But had I had them as a kid, I'm sure I would have played the hell out of them, good or not.
the PSP may have sold dismally but it's still my favorite handheld, and I think the Vita will follow kind of the same trajectory. I think SOny is going to stick with it and eventually the library will be pretty good. I still want one, but it's so expensive and I think a lot of people are waiting for a price drop.
The Wii U does look bad, but that's Nintendo's fault. the last six months they haven't released crap. Maybe that will change soon though. I'm actually excited for tomorrow's Nintendo Direct.
just write what you want to write about. we all love games, even ones we don't play. I'm a huge RPG fan but I don't have the time to finish a lot of them, and I'm always curious to hear about the ones I've never owned or never heard of.
Cat Power is good. I'm a guy and not afraid to say that.
good blog. I don't know how I feel about google glass. I am intrigured by the i-watch idea though.
Mostly I just want oculus rift so I can totally zone out on video games.
ah, peer pressure. it's a beautiful thing.
awesome drawings! If I could draw I would make my mom a drawing for mother's day....
things are hot and dry here in Arizona. Could use some rain...
wow i think this is the lowest scored game you have reviewed. I'll remember to avoid this one. Seems like a cool concept, just a broken game.