I loved the black guy who played Mercutio in Romeo + Juliet. I didn't like that movie at first either but it's grown on me after all these years.
I loved the black guy who played Mercutio in Romeo + Juliet. I didn't like that movie at first either but it's grown on me after all these years.
i heard the first one is better, less linear. I did like the elevation/height of boards in 2 though.
I'm down with Baz. I want to see this, but will wait til it's on Bluray/DVD. Good review though.
hey that's a great pic, man! very cool.
the original crysis? I've only played Crysis 2. I liked it though.
it's the scarecrow stuff that I love in Asylum. Freaking brilliant.
yeah I believe in good competition between consoles too. Sony kind of messed up this generation, but I'm hoping they've got their act together now. It seems like they've gotten a lot better with great exclusives, etc (but the PSN store sucks!)
I'm really excited for this new generation!
well, if you di a couple times in the first board of Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma it automatically goes to "Ninja Dog" difficulty.... which is still hard.
Still, the original Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma is really really great, as it's not unfair, just tough. I've played it countless times and love it. I want to play it on Vita though eventually.
man, I need to get back into legos. that would probably really calm my nerves.
nice pics! I'm trying to lose weight too. I'm 250 but am only 5'10, so I'm a little fat.
a van down by the river? that's my favorite reference from anything anywhere. betrays our age, I think.
I would personally like to live in the world of Final Fantasy IX.