The phone gives a new meaning to the word smart but its huge and I can actually answer it without putting on glasses lol!!
The phone gives a new meaning to the word smart but its huge and I can actually answer it without putting on glasses lol!!
Yea thats crap I would be pissed and would definitely hold Ebay responsible and the seller should be banned from selling anything else sorry that happened but your nicer then I would have been lol!!!
Its a big phone bigger then the picture shows I like it cause I dont have to break out my glasses to answer it lol!!
Well I only said that cause when I first glanced at it there were pics everywhere and besides me no one really does alot of pics in there reveiws but I like alot of screen shots but thats is a good idea you could make a walkthrough and alot of sites will pay you to post them on there sites.
Y wife and daughter are iphone girls I never really cared for them myself I mean there great phones just not my cup of tea.
Being from Texas I would eat the hell out of those tacos lol!!
IM not a big game fan of phones but I do blog and Facebook etc from it but for gaming its consoles for me.
Yea I have a freind that has a razor they are cool I got this one mainly for the screen size cause I do all my reveiws, blogs etc from my phone so size matters at my age lol!!!
Hey you did an awesome job on that reveiw although at first glance I thought is was a strategy guide Lol!! Just kidding you did do a great reveiw there now I need to get a 3ds.
The PC is and will always be the best in gaming you get the best resolution you get more versatility with games strategy and sims are bad ass on pcs and you get free patches and mods but like Joaquim said in the end its what you like that matters not what other yahoos think lol!!!