It comes from the mind of Suda 51,so I am stoked about it as well. I have Killer 7,No More Heroes,and Lollipop Chainsaw. All are brilliant and stylish. To me he's the Tarantino of game designers.
It comes from the mind of Suda 51,so I am stoked about it as well. I have Killer 7,No More Heroes,and Lollipop Chainsaw. All are brilliant and stylish. To me he's the Tarantino of game designers.
I knew it was Mr. Burns in that costume! Who could possibly have legs that skinny other than him? Microwavable pork rinds? What alternate dimension did those spawn from? Sounds kinda interesting. I like those Lego Iron Men and the Chicken Man is cool.
I love Penny Arcade! I have several of the books. So I really want to go check this out. Thanks for the heads up on that.
They are all pretty sharp looking game consoles. But the wooden one is my favorite. Some people are incredibly talented at designs. It even has a screen built into it!
What could be better than Lego and Star Wars together? It was a stroke of genius. The more Lego video games I try,the more I love them. Funny and always interesting. I am just like you when it comes to online speech interaction with strangers. I don't care for it much. Only like it with a few people I have known for many years. My son and I do a lot of in-room co-op playing. That is very fun and helps us bond,too.
I like your new gaming rig! Beauty is in simplicity. I know how you feel on this subject. I'm a bit of a tech nerd. I ooh and ahhh over new technology. Have to get the latest consoles and devices that come along. But lately I've been feeling very retro. Missing the games I grew up with a lot. That's one reason I bought a Wii. To get the Virtual Console titles. But it is not the same. I want carts,even if they are a pain in the butt!
I am impressed. When my PS3 died I delicately took it apart. Knew I'd never be able to save the hard drive,just curious. That is quite an operation you took on. Glad the story ended well.
They finally stopped throwing xray exams at me so I was able to come back. That song by Inter Arma fried my brain a bit! 4 minutes in it explodes, it is a study in intensity. Vision Of Disorder was alright,but not something I'd listen to a lot. Enforcer is just my speed. You are so right,big Priest influence with them I believe. I am a man stuck in the 80's I think. Stuff I listen to is either from the 80's,inspired by it,or sounds somewhat like 80's stuff. Guess it's cause that's what I grew up with. Speaking of Priest,I heard something about KK Downing the other day. He may make music again. Something about a band he is forming.
I tend to like some DLC. But some companies get a bit greedy. They nickel and dime you....wait,who am I kidding here. It's more like several dollars! If I love the game I'm a total sucker for it,though. My son buys any Mass Effect 3 DLC that comes along. He'll be down with it. And Borderlands 2 for that matter. I hear the new character is creepy as hell. That's all I know of it.
I played a bit of Uncharted last night when I got home. Just as I started having fun another flurry of bullets started raining down on me. It's crazy how much gunplay they put in! Another title that was superb without having tons of violent areas was Ico.