Man, I am so about this game.
Man, I am so about this game.
I've heard Nocturne is pretty tough. But I've always wanted to play Digital Devil Saga and I always have it in my Amazon cart.
Like GeminiMan, I find theoretical physics awesome, even though I don't understand it.
Good blog, I kind of forgot about this, and it's nice to be reminded. Calling the "God" particle is a little bit stupid though, I have to admit.
Yeah I have nothing against the idea of DLC. Like the Force, it seems to be used for good or evil.
I really need to check out Citadel. It sounds awesome. I'm just not ready to go back to Mass Effect 3 yet. I feel done with my Sheperd. Her story is done for me. Maybe when I play it through again with my new character.
I'm gonna buy the Vita just to play this. I'm so excited!
is today your birthday, man? Happy birthday!!!!!!!!
I still have the single volume encyclopedia that came with my "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego" game from back in the day. I was just looking at it recently up on my shelf.
And Olive Wilde is definitely at the end of the rainbow.
maybe you could have them just together, instead of him riding it. Like have two chibis following each other, Ray and the robot, and have them as two kind of separate but linked characters. I just think he is really cool.