That first pic looks pretty classy! I wish Bilby would make an account here. I miss her. WTF is taking her so long anyway?
That first pic looks pretty classy! I wish Bilby would make an account here. I miss her. WTF is taking her so long anyway?
Hilarious pics man. I remember watching an episode of TMNT way back when that had a Wombat character. I didn't know they were actually a real animal lol.
I remember when you first joined 1up and had the black mage from Final Fantasy 1 as your avatar. You don't really resemble him lol. Scrubs is one of my favorite tv shows. Although I think I stopped watching around season 6.
That's a nice looking family you got there. It must be rough having that many kids. My sister has 4 as well, and everytime I go over there it's solid madness lol.
Yeah I have Sigma 2 on PS3, and I don't think there's any blood. I wasn't trying to be a party pooper Ben. I just remembered reading reviews about NG 3 and was wondering. Sigma 1 and 2 were fun although pretty damn hard. They are still not as hard as NG on NES lol.
Nice to meet you Matt. I could use a beer now lol.
You look kinda pissed off in that second pic lol. Nice to finally meet you SmartCelt!
Oh man. I didn't know that there was a modern version of 4-2 in Ninja Gaiden 3. I love that song! It almost makes me want to buy the game.... almost. I heard a lot of bad stuff about NG 3, but apparently there are different versions of that game.
I really like your friend Emily's shirt for some reason.
That's awesome you got to go see Lindsey Sterling! I'm just getting into her music and she's really good. I've always had a fondness for the violin. I'm trying to beat F-Zero on SNES and it's hard. I am constantly ping ponging back and forth on the later tracks untill I explode lol.
Nice beard Chris. What happened to you on facebook? Too much bullcrap on there?