I'm not totally sure if this game will be for me, but your glowing review of it certainly makes me interested in giving it a shot at some point. I will keep an eye out for a sale and give it a go when it's a bit cheaper.
I'm not totally sure if this game will be for me, but your glowing review of it certainly makes me interested in giving it a shot at some point. I will keep an eye out for a sale and give it a go when it's a bit cheaper.
Hey Rodney! Glad to see you again.
Very sorry about your brother and your divorce. It sounds like times have been a bit rough and that's a bummer to hear. It does sound like things are looking up though and I'm glad for that. Hope to see more of you around these parts!
The Deluxe version is so much better. I also had the Wii U version, but I played the hell out of the Switch version, especially in portable mode. It's worth a pick up eventually, at the very least.
Awesome dude! Seems like everyone is getting one recently. You should totally get Zelda, it's amazing. Some other games I've enjoyed - Mario Kart, Blaster Master Zero, Snipperclips, and Snake Pass. Also picked up Has-Been Heroes on sale at Gamestop, but have yet to crack into it.
Those guys are great and the new track is solid. I really dig their stuff - pretty cool that you've got connections to the band in a weird way!
Eesh, not really into that new Leprous track either. I'm with you, hopefully the album is proggier than that.
Twin Peaks has been really great. Chessa and I caught the latest episode last night and it's cool to see the threads start coming together.
It's been tough not having Agent Cooper come into full cognition this far in. I kind of miss his presence. I like what they're doing with Dougie and somehow he's still one of the most memorable parts of the show, but I'm just pining for more good old Coop. I keep thinking he's just going to snap out of it at some point, but it just keeps not happening.
One of us! One of us!
Welcome to the club, sir! Enjoy Zelda, it's a damn good one.
I can understand only liking the series for PvE. I was like that with it for a long time. It took DS3 to pull me out of my shell in that regard. I honestly am not big on invading and co-op, but Red Soapstone 1v1 battles are like drugs for me at this point. I've sat outside of the Pontiff bonfire PvPing for more time than I'd care to admit. Co-op/invading is fun for a bit, but I find that it loses its luster pretty quickly for me.
I guess I took particular offense with his belief that the combat isn't that deep. I mean, it's just objectively false considering there's an entire meta game when it comes to PvP. So many of the patches they make to the games are specifically for the PvP meta to limit OP builds that begin ruining the meta.
I do fully agree that level design, imagination, and cohesive world design is of great importance for the PvE portion of the game and I also agree that the games got pretty safe after Dark Souls 1. I actually think 2 tried to shake things up a bit, but kind of missed the point in some regards. The DLC, while great in its world design, has boss fights that are just hard for the sake of being hard, nearly to the point of being unfair especially after the huge trek it takes to just get there. The whole game fell victim to the "add more enemies to the boss fight" to up the ante. Similarly, 3 did that with the whole multi-phase fights. There's a degree of laziness to it that is undeniable.
I think it's a bit of both and bit of not having publishers there to keep things on track and in check. In the case of Yooka-Laylee, it does seem like using Unity might've been a bit of the problem as well. It expects to work in a certain way and it's not quite as precise as having your own custom engine as they did back in the N64 days. Plus there's no doubt that having Nintendo's input and oversight helped immensely.
I do think Yooka is one of the more successful Kickstarters (though Shovel Knight is probably the overall best one, hands down). The game wasn't horribly delayed and it mostly delivers on what it promised. It's not perfect and it needs some clean up, but it was pretty much what I was banking on. Like I said, hopefully the patch gets it to where it needs to be and it's nearly as solid of an experience as the classics that inspired it.