Cary is no fool when it comes to old school. lol.
Cary is no fool when it comes to old school. lol.
I recall Coraline was made into a stop motion film and it was rather awesome. Ah Neil,contributing to my continual growth as a person in so many ways!
Isolation has me more excited than Colonial marines did. I like the idea of there only being one xenomorph...but it's a hella smart xenomorph!
Fair review. You did not overhype it but gave credit where credit is due. Good job,Casey!
I have the same overall hypothesis too!
You got me. lol. Aliens is a great movie and I'm always quoting it. lol.
Such a great game. Excellent choice,sir! The sheer size of the world in DQVIII is breath taking!
Yeah, I could tell you's depressing to see just how far the big-dawg game journos will go to shut down all conversation about gamergate. The anti GG crowd went so far as to get the guy who created the hashtag #notyourshield fired from his job. (The irony being they claim to stick up for minorities and the victim of their malice happens to be black. I mean it would still be horrible if he was white too but how it is just makes the whole incident more ironic.)
But mostly this piece was just about how creators should have the right to create things without being called monsters or women hating swine. (Though constructive criticism is still a-ok!)
The only mmo-ish types I liked were Phantasy Star Portable and Phantasy Star Portable 2 infinity. (Both for the psp) I think what drew me to those was my previous love of the standard Phantasy Star rpgs. Also, both were story driven despite being combat heavy and loot centric.
I don't know why I didn't get sucked into WOW too. I mean I did love Warcraft 3. But the thing is Warcraft 3 and WOW while connected at the mythos are still two very different games. Wow just never called out to me,y'know? Maybe by then I'd simply moved on to other things?
Wow,the blob will be in attendence? I remember both the original movie and the surprisingly good remake. I'll have to look more into Startrek continues.