all this does is remind me that I should by that Wizardry game on PSN. I enjoyed what I Played but those dark room areas just creep me out. It's like walking into a wall of darkness. too many bad memories of that experiance for me.
all this does is remind me that I should by that Wizardry game on PSN. I enjoyed what I Played but those dark room areas just creep me out. It's like walking into a wall of darkness. too many bad memories of that experiance for me.
it's one of the reason why I like living where I do. We kinda have a mix of both worlds here. Some area's you'll be lucky to have internet and cell service yet in the next county over they could be tricked out tech wise as if they were a major city. My folks are the same way with internet. Me dad is choping at the bit though to get it so he can enjoy youtube and netflix.
funny story. I ended up bying this game used on PS3 just so I could get the DLC that was also on sale, but instead of paying for the DLC indivdiually I cheated and bought the season pass just as Burial at sea part 2 was released. Saved five bucks so I call that a win.
Love the first and original. I actually enjoyed the second one more than I am with infinite right now.
I need get on the forums more often.
Give it time. Since Sega is release 3D variants of some of their classic titles I would not be shocked if this game made an appearance on the 3DS VC line up.
I've been meaning to buy more PSOne Classics myself but I keep holding off for fear that some of them might go on sale or be offered as freebies in Playstation Home's Quest for Greatness meta game, that's hwo I got Resident Evil Director's cut recently. I'm almost done buying all the Imports I want though so that's a bonus.
That reminds me, I need to see KIck Ass 2. Liked the first one as did my "Little One".
That game better have spoken to you. YOu an't play that gamewithout the novelty of voiceovers lik in the original that had a voice module option.
If the system loads things faster/better than I'd be willing to forgo the OLED screen. Will still hold out given I'm still tryingto justify a 3DS purchase.
missed the boat again. Better luck next time for me I guess.