It's like Star Fox if I could tell what each object was individually.
It's like Star Fox if I could tell what each object was individually.
I'm playing through Detroit right now. Pretty good so far, but with a few cliches.
You should listen to this man and choose all of these and none of mine. Or I guess go to this list when you feel like having serious matchups and mine when you just want whacky bullshit.
Yeah, Endgame is great and probably my favorite of the MCU movies, but I have to recognize it relies on more than 20 movies to work the way it does.
I don't care what anyone says, "We Built This City" is a classic and I'll hear no different.
So what are the major differences between Final Fantasy I and II?
You know who would probably like more zippers and pockets, Julian? Women. My firing was sexist. I'm gonna drag this out on Twitter for a LONG time.
I've actually played The Bouncer and at the time I loved it. Those early PS2 graphics did it for me.
BECKY LYNCH GOT ROBBED, I'm told by Twitter WWE fans ... or was ... weeks ago.
Whatever, I'm still not playing my copy of Bloodborne.
I was right! Becky Lynch WAS robbed! Of being a voice in MK11. I am certain Lynch was offered the role and Vince gave it to Rhonda.
You know what I thought felt snappy? Dead or Alive 6. Super smooth combat. Soul Calibur VI better be good, Mr. Hamm!
You should shit on all the games you give away for free.
I'm wondering if Judgement's replacement face thing for that actor will be as good. Seems like a big undertaking so close to release ...
All this talk about Bloodborne's difficulty, but none of you know how long it took me to get past that Griffin. Guess I will play Bloodborne after all. But no, because I like my stories. Point: Yakuza Kiwami.
Stage Select: I'd erase Call of Duty: Modern Warfare from existence, cause I hated being invited to friends' places to play a game I admitted I wasn't used to, only to have them immediately jump online and ignore me the rest of the night.
You'd think this would be an issue with the friends, but for some reason the same ones were fine letting me play Halo 2 on couch multiplayer, which often turned out to be pretty fun despite my newbiness. No one seemed to EVER want to play CoD from the couch and my God, watching a first-person shooter with no music or any real atmosphere beyond the default "barren warzone" setting being played by someone else is so mind-numbingly boring.
Plus, I get that the video game market gets oversaturated with the same genre fairly often (kinda like 90s beat-em-ups ... *ahem*), but I really feel like CoD ushered in a wave of boring looking, samey online shooters that I just did. not. give. a. shit. about. And I'm a little mad something original and fun like Titanfall 2 was likely way oversold and overshadowed by whatever damn CoD title came out that year.
I'd keep Medal of Honor though; I did like that D-Day level.
Video Game Cage Match: Having never played either, I'm going to have to judge this based entirely on presentation and whatever innate biases I might have. Final Fight cause I like the larger sprites and we had an SNES growing up.
I will admit Streets of Rage seems to have better music and I get why multiplayer is a huge deal, but if I'm being honest I'd play single-player mostly anyway.
Pretty sure the video game cover for this (want to say we rented the SNES version, but I'm not sure) was my introduction to Taz as a character.
I definitely like to read/hear opinions about stuff I'm watching after I watch it, so I guess that's why people spoil GoT (to talk about it with friends who watch), but I feel like you could make a group for that, or, much easier: just warn people with *SPOILERS* at the top.
I wonder how hard it is to make a decent racing game. Like, just have the cars control nicely.
Having skipped a whole console generation for that reason (to be fair, CAs/RAs in dorms like I was are compensated pretty nicely, all told, just not in usable income at the time) I understand completely.
Yeah, in Kiwami 2, they let you buy an item that shows the locations of the substories. I think it's a great idea. I really need to finish those.
I remember renting that Hulk game. I don't think it was very good, but I liked the visuals if I recall. I also remember the Spider-Man and Venom beat-em-up with the red cartridge.
Anyway, I was 2 when this game released and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, Mr. "drugs and girls."