There are many different sizes of tiny houses. Some of them are pretty good-sized. If I ever have the money, I'd love to build one of these, probably one of the slightly bigger ones with the optional second bedroom.
There are many different sizes of tiny houses. Some of them are pretty good-sized. If I ever have the money, I'd love to build one of these, probably one of the slightly bigger ones with the optional second bedroom.
Thanks! Hey, you're not that much older than me.
Ah, the weather. It's March in Maine, it'll do as it pleases. We did have some weather above freezing earlier in the week, so at least the snow is melting. Slowly, but it's melting.
Don't stress the surgery. Hip replacements are pretty routine these days.
You're in Virginia, aren't you? Anna lives in Baltimore and Elizabeth lives in a small town in central Virginia. Keep your eye on their website and maybe you can catch them live somewhere. Definitely worth it.
Thank you! Made my morning!
If you weren't having fun playing Lost Odyssey, there's no point in your finishing it. I slipped though a loophole - I paused in my playthough of Lost Odyssey so I could play somthing else other that Mass Effect, lol.
I already have permission to teach Gabriel how to be a Badass snowshoe racer, and he's parents are both fellow geeks, so he's going to be one cool kid.
I like Chef T, she seems to know what she's doing and doesn't seem to get involved in all the squabbling.
You can watch the most recent couple of episodes on for free, but if you want anything older than that, you have to get the app. It's slow and crappy and anyone who would pay for it needs their head examined.
The Iliad is either a great story or a colossal bore depending on what translation you read. My friend Shawn recommended the Robert Fagles translation, which is excellent. It even has a pronouncing glossary in the back that doubles as a way of keeping track of who's who.
Nope, never seen that South Park episode. Just a lot of experience with overly-smug people.
They're call crankies because you crank them. I like names that make sense :)
I release you from that deal, lol. Go, play ME, be happy!
Those are good movies, too.