Next Sunday! Coming up soon. I love St. Patrick's Day. What good Celtic fellow doesn't?
Next Sunday! Coming up soon. I love St. Patrick's Day. What good Celtic fellow doesn't?
Hey,don't feel bad about the photo thing. I'm still new to it and figuring it out. I use Image Shack. You can download images pretty easily and then get URL that you can copy/paste in your blog. I still have to click on the little HTML icon and insert it in there. I'll figure out how to use the other ones eventually,I'm sure. Trial and error!
I don't know. Since I joined this site I've encountered nothing but sharp and savvy individuals. They are everywhere on here.
Checker is cute! And those are some cool shoes you have. I would love to go to Pax East someday. I understand that it is everything you wish E3 could be. More for the gamers than the press and industry types. Sounds like fun. Have a great time when you go.
Onimusha 3 will be added to my collection. My son had it once. I remember that Jean Reno (from The Professional) played a role in it. Gave it a cinematic feel much like some modern games. I have always felt that Onimusha would make for a cool movie.
They have some guy in a booth somewhere frantically changing disks! I always wondered about the one where it's packaged like a PS2 game. Came in some bundle. It says PS1 and everything on front. Does it have 2 disks? Or did they somehow get it onto one?
i'm going to guess Tonya and Michaela. I know it's reaching on that second one,but it's a really great name for a girl I think.
You also listed Xenosaga. I thought that music was outstanding. It really added to the story as it unfolded. I have some of the anime series of that. It has great music as well.
Snowboarding and skateboarding are the few types of sports games I do like. I used to love playing SSX Tricky. Haven't tried the newer ones yet,but I'd probably dig them. This game you are talking about I do remember as being a lot of fun. I remember really sucking at it! But still fun. Those are some good songs you picked too. Especially Alicia Keys. That woman is incredibly talented. Pours her heart and soul into her music.
Although I do not own a Wii U [yet!] this was a highly interesting discussion. I'm so glad I looked into these podcasts. I can start one running on my laptop as I drive around. Listen to it as I go from town to town doing X-Ray during the day. And on my iPad at home. Too cool! Great job on this one,too.