It's going to be worth a look. Google has some brilliant people,so let's see what they come up with.
It's going to be worth a look. Google has some brilliant people,so let's see what they come up with.
Very good picks overall. I have not played Ni No Kuni,but it's greatness is beyond question at this point. If I had to pick my game of the year it would be The Last Of Us. Bioshock Infinite being a very close second. Tomb Raider in at third. Like your pick of Luigi's Mansion too....good one there.
Are bronies just "colorful eccentrics" or are they truly disturbed individuals?
That was brutal,I'm sure it was for you anyways. Still got to give you credit for being up there and doing comedy. Nice recovery bit at the end with the fireworks stuff. That sounded like a comic's worst nightmare. But one every single one has at one point or another. I have always liked Mormons I've met. I never met Mitt Romney,he might have been an exception because he seems like a real tool. The Osmonds are cool! They seem so very kind and sweet. Lately I've been thinking about how the Mormon leaders are going to flip out when the gay marriage advocates come to Salt Lake City this month. Serves them right for pouring all that cash into passing Prop 8. Not even their state,for crying out loud! Utah is pretty awesome,so I guess they are doing something right. Florida on the other hand......it's our most fu#*$% up state. What is wrong with them?
OHHH YEAHHHHHH! How much drywall you think he destroyed back in the day? Quite a bit I'm sure. Probably took out some plumbing as well. A two page ad for Popeye? Amazing stuff. You know what I always wondered about Brutus and his lust for Olive Oyl? If she ever had sex with him,he'd break her in half like a toothpick within a minute! Popeye would just wreck her spine,but Brutus would kill her for sure. I do recall the last two ads but never played the games. The artwork on the Return Of The Jedi game is actually pretty cool.
Hell yes,I want a taco! But I think those guys need to work on their form a bit. Too much taco on their shirts,not enough in the mouth! That first video was awesome. Can't say I've ever seen an underwater guitar solo before now. Jamming in a hot tub? How cool would that be? The one dude in that one looks just like Jason Mewes. The song kicks ass,too. I love those 4-pack DVD's like that. I have one with Dirty Harry films,all the good ones. Those are some great movies,so I want that one. Pitfall is such a fun game. I remember it fondly. That's one I need to find myself. The book sounds like one I would read. I like any sort of post-apocalyptic tale. That's one that is not so far-fetched. Kinda like one I read called War Day,by Whitley Streiber.
That explosion sounds scary. Too bad about the fatality,that is awful. Only thing I ever experienced like that was when a mobile home near us went went supernova one afternoon. We were out walking the dog and saw it blow. Turned out two meth cooks were in there and they did not make it out. Joan Baez is great,that's cool you got to see her perform. I think you're right about the dragon movie thing. Only one I can think of that is remotely good is Enter The Dragon. But you have to like Bruce Lee or it stinks too! Great song by James Keelaghan. That one does make you think about those brave firefighters who lost their lives. Takes so much courage to do what they do. But God bless them for having it. Retro City Rampage is a game I really want to buy. The demo is too much fun. I'm very into retro gaming and all things 80's right now so it's just my thing. I'm glad that Bandit is doing better,hope you are as well. My wife finally got over her cold,but is still kinda worn out from it.
Good to have you back! And I hope your game room comes together nicely. Mine is a neverending work in progress. A labor of love,if you will. I wish I could drink a beer right now. But I have to work,so it will have to wait til tomorrow evening.
It's going very well so far. Hope you are having a splendid time today....enjoy!
If I was not at work I'd be doing exactly the same thing now. I figured you'd be someone who understands how important today is. While I do complain about things I think go against what America is supposed to be about[which is a lot these days] I realize that as nations go,we are still pretty young. Perhaps it's just "growing pains" we are having right now.