Metroid II has an awesome song. Love MP and SM themes; the Prime 3 one was nice, too. Metroid Other M's didn't really sound like Metroid music to me though.
Metroid II has an awesome song. Love MP and SM themes; the Prime 3 one was nice, too. Metroid Other M's didn't really sound like Metroid music to me though.
Introducing Kinect 2.0: sprouts entire police man uniform, body and mind, invades your homes, and has sex with your cat. In a year or two, people will be ok with that when it's discovered the cat likes it.
There's a Rocko's Modern Life episode where what happens? Well, then.
That makes sense and isn't really all that scary intrusive though to be honest. You kind of figure when you use a company's network servers, they know where you go. Which is why I feel very bad for college campuses ... so much unwanted porn.
Well, except the part where they take people playing online a lot to mean that's all anyone wants. Even if that were true, it just doesn't appeal to me.
But hey, that just gives me an opportunity to play nothing but single player so I can skew the numbers. lol So I'm not that concerned about trophy data, but what the camera and mic on that required Kinect can pick up would have me a bit more worried, so glad you can turn it off, and if that fails, unplug it. If I buy one, ever, I mean.
Haven't thought about Siri in a while.
Well, I'd say spare yourself, but it's actually a well-paced, well-shot action movie with great acting, action set-pieces, a cool villain, interesting bleak tone, and what I at least initially thought was a good way to wrap everything up.
I just thought certain parts were bullshit, and honestly, that quitting thing wasn't the biggest one; actually I didn't even think about it the first time, just for some reason after someone mentioned it I thought "hey, yeah," cause I have no mind of my own.
Yet it's the only one I own (Christmas gift), and still a great movie ... just one with a very comically placed underground cable television and a hazy knowledge of what the CIA can actually do.
Yes, but will it bite them in the ass in reality world is what I'm still wondering.
Never. Cause he doesn't quit. Unless he's in his last Dark Knight movie. Let's pretend that part never happened.
Also, it's kinda sad how I thought you meant literal bongs at first (I'm slow today). According to Charles Barkley, I just added an inch to my bong by losing 35+ pounds. Damn, now they'll be able to detect it. lol
I'm actually not sure I'm opposed to bronies being spied on. Those fuckers are up to something; I bet they're working on Ikea furniture that will control our minds and turn us all into bronies. God help us all.