Yeah. Saw this on IGN a bit ago. It's awesome.
Yeah. Saw this on IGN a bit ago. It's awesome.
Almost met Patton himself? Cool. And it's good you do that for him.
It is a great song and I'm defnitely impressed by live orchestration. Didn't even hear the baby, though that might be because I also have the TV running in the background.
I agree with the idea that instant gratification and general internet douchebaggery are downfalls of the current generation of ... frankly, people, it just happens to apply to games and online communities in an obvious way, but I think these games too will become nostalgic and increase in value, despite their losses now.
After all, when NES games got old at first, unless they were rare, they were sold at garage sales for very little, especially compared to what you might be able to get for certain titles now; and leeradical42 is fond of pointing out the appreciation in value of a lot of PS2 games, and those have been around for far less time.
I will agree again though, that 8 and 16 bit are a very golden time for gaming, and they are awesome. And yes, physical copies are much better than something that can be deleted off a server.
Great post, sometimes it's nice to just read a good bit of interesting text.
I don't know if "occassionally playing old systems" qualifies as "serious gamer," so I am here as a regular of this website to let you know there is in fact an in between. lol Granted, I was pretty damn serious about being a Gamecube fanboy, so maybe I just peaked early in middle school.
Cool to see what you look like, interesting you are Daftman's brother, and nice cosplay. Also, 1990 is a great year.
I/we've never even owned an HDTV. Retro experience err' day.
I hear the second part to the fourth Twilight gets funny. But I only ever saw the first one when my mom rented it. I just thought it was boring.
Yup, Mario Galaxy is the first thought that popped in my head.
Lol probably everyone is paranoid, but hey, I can kick Microsoft when it's down. lol
I do talk about Oreos a lot though, so if I'm not just being paranoid, I'll know. lmao
As for a console mostly associated with games, an Ouya seems like what some people are going with.
LOL. Yeah, I was thinking of intentionally doing disgusting things so that Microsoft stopped ever surveilling me. Paranoid, but fun ideas.