Yeah, my grandpa apparently never said much at all about his experiences at war either.
I'd love to be a 9 to 5 worker like most people. Sheesh, I hate not working.
Yeah, my grandpa apparently never said much at all about his experiences at war either.
I'd love to be a 9 to 5 worker like most people. Sheesh, I hate not working.
Listened to "My Final Bullet," "S.O.D.O.M.," and "Epitome of Torture." Only reason I stopped was cause I paused a podcast I was listening to to hear this stuff. Might have to pick this one up; I agree, every one of these songs is awesome.
Thanks for sharing, and hope you're having a metal Memorial Day!
Also, that Spock thing was kind of dumb, especially the lines in this. Ok, maybe not "smarter," but I did like it better than the original, personally, and I love the original.
Peter Weller did kind of let on how long it's been since he acted, I'll give you that, some of his delivery wasn't exactly stellar; but still, Robocop in space, how fucking awesome is that?! lol Edit: And now I get what you mean by "mystery box," didn't know JJ Abrams used that term. The More You Know.
Completely disagree, I thought this was both a hell of a lot smarter (though it still pulled science out of its ass) and overall better than the first one, and ... wait, what "mystery box" thing? The torpedos?Those made sense to me, unlike the red matter McGuffin in 2009 that was just there for convenience. Still love that movie as well, though.
I agree the villain was obvious, but played in much his own way, which I loved, cause it's not like the original performance is getting redone by anyone.
I am glad he calmed down a bit on lens flares, too, but they're still pretty noticeable.
I never saw it, but I remember reviews making a big deal about this movie's focus on Shadow of the Colossus. It's obscure in that I just now remembered it existed. lol
I like how the messages in Mission: Impossible self-destruct. Didn't know the 60s show had full episodes on Youtube.
Well, they better not have been talking about Spock's logic. It's impeccable! lol
I watched Heavy Rain by way of an online Let's Play with no voice track (there was out-of-game text that was kind of amusing), so there's one way you could at least finish the story.
I don't like JRPGS, but I liked the art style to Ni No Kuni, so I guess we differ there.
I want to actually buy a current gen system, then maybe my backlog will be bigger. lol