For NES, that's a pretty good looking screen shit, but I'll take your word the game sucks.
For NES, that's a pretty good looking screen shit, but I'll take your word the game sucks.
Also, yes, they were at one point working on a The Flash game for N64. Whatever YouTube video I saw about it is what inspired my response.
Or perhaps I imagined that video (which I remember having V.O.) and only saw the video I just linked to in some kind of compilation video. Who knows!
Stage Select: I'd remake that P.N.03 game on Gamecube, cause I always thought a 3D ryhtm-action action/shooter game seemed like a really cool idea. I never played it but heard it sucked, so if I remade it I'd make the level design more interesting based on the blandness I've seen in screenshots and videos. More enemies, more attention to detail in the envirionments beyond blank hallways, etc.
Video Game Cage Match: This is a bit unfair, considering I have not played the updated Street Fighter V that supposedly fixes all the issues I had with my launch-day rental of it, but hot damn did that sparse rental leave a terrible taste in my mouth. MKXL all the way.
I bought the version with all the DLC on sale, so I'm also biased that way, but I at least assume MKX was a mostly complete package when it came out compared to the barren launch version of SFV.
Now is probably a good time to point out that a few of my suggested match-ups were jokes. But I figure Cage Match is kind of meant to be a "wild" segment so there ya go if you want to use any of my suggestions.
Same goes for Ness in Smash, that was definitely tongue-in-cheek and not something I actually think is relevant to the fight. Cheap Shot is correct. That was exactly my intention.
I'm curious what's going on behind the scenes between EA and Bioware, cause it really seems like EA wants to rush things ...
DMC 5 looks really fun. I know people hated it, but my recent introduction to the series was what I've played of DmC and I miss games that go at that fast pace.
Lots of black and white sports titles.
I hate finding things in games period, so these orbs sound like my nightmare.
Why we don't have more dinosaur games, I'll never know ... I say on Day three-hundred and sixty something of not completing Horizon: Zero Dawn (but I did buy it, so ... ??)
Huh... So that's what it looks like.
Bloodborne came out a day after my birthday, which is probably the only reason I bought it on sale. I have yet to get past the first area ...