In basically the same boat as BrokenH. Hopefully it picks up steam, cause last I checked it wasn't doing so hot. That's a pretty lofty goal for a Kickstarter, though, as far as most of the ones I've seen.
In basically the same boat as BrokenH. Hopefully it picks up steam, cause last I checked it wasn't doing so hot. That's a pretty lofty goal for a Kickstarter, though, as far as most of the ones I've seen.
That Hoth level is still fun, and I even liked the canyon level as a kid but ... try playing it again. It's like playing an FPS without a right control stick, at least on the ground, plus sluggishness and a not-great camera.
Even so, Shadows of the Empire might just be bad enough to put there.
Honestly, the whole point is to squeeze all the enjoyment out of these things as possible, so if you feel satisfied playing only part of a game, I say meh. I just don't see me spending on anything too substantial in the near future, so may as well continue to reap the benefits of games I already have. And cry at how much data I apparently lost on F-Zero GX. Might just be that I need to answer that memory card question I get when it boots up differently, though.
Hey, use it how you want, it works. I'm considering putting 1080 Snowboarding in my null category, cause I am never going to sit down and play it to unlock anything; hell, I'm not even sure there is something comparable to a story mode in that game.
Based on the last time I played it, Shadows of the Empire might go there as well, just cause, and I didn't like it TOO much when I was little either, but how did I play it without having that control scheme make me rage quit every time?!
I wonder how soon I'll be there, considering several of these are right at the end. lol
Is there anything Hendrix's cover of Watchtower can't make more epic? This question is gonna bug me all day now.
Yeah, I'm going to apply to grad school myself.
I need to start following these trucks on Twitter, there are some in Dallas. lol
Looks pretty similar to mine. I think we both owe it to ourselves to eat a cookie.
Yeah, I'm wondering if it'll help me sell stuff I don't want when I suddenly realize "wait ... I don't want to beat this, I hate this game." lol