Yeah. I think I just got used to the Blood Echoes thing but you're absolutely right. It was god damned awful! The only other problem I have is with the lack of builds, so there's less incentive to jump back in.
Yeah. I think I just got used to the Blood Echoes thing but you're absolutely right. It was god damned awful! The only other problem I have is with the lack of builds, so there's less incentive to jump back in.
Welcome back! I missed you man.
I found the Bloodstarved Beast 10 times easier than Amelia. The only hard thing about him is poison and you can bypass that by wearing church garb.
NGP is super disappointing. There's nothing new, and there isn't really any "builds" to play around with. I still love it though.
so do I but it turned out it was because my armour didn't have enough poison resist haha
It is fun. It is literally my new favourite game.
Blake did stop bitching. He beat 3 bosses today and a miniboss.
To be fair the intro is the roughesto it's ever been. It expects you to have played souls before and gives less explanation to anything than even dark souls did.
However, I must say it is more forgiving. You don't lose this games version of humanity upon death, there aren't many bottomless pits and fall damage is VERY lenient, and items are a bit less cryptic in their description overall. Like souls, once you get in the groove the game actually feels kinda easy.
I wasn't expecting it to be easy. I was just expecting my souls expwrience to count for a bit more haha.
and it's worse than just deaths. If you want to level up you have to go to a hub, which is one loading screen, then there's another to come back.