If I do finally get a PS3, just to have something from this generation (and a Blu Ray player), this is the first game I'm getting.
If I do finally get a PS3, just to have something from this generation (and a Blu Ray player), this is the first game I'm getting.
This is one of those games I admire for just going all ballas out, too bad I haven't played it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, but Sonic needs to stop flipping me off. Washed up bastard.
Nah, I know it's his pointer finger, but it sure doesn't look like it. The fact it's heavily pixelated doesn't help.
Too bad I am enough of an RPG n00b to find it easy, most likely, but for around five bucks, maybe I wouldn't care. Don't have a 360/PS3 though. Oh well. It does look cool.
It's very cool you posted them both to compare. I was not expecting the remix's style after hearing the original, but it is awesome. I guess anything can be turned into a dance track.
I refuse to add "srs bizness" commentary to this, so I'm just going to point out that according to a lot of what I've heard, being an American amongst Japanese women, especially if you're military, is its own version of "easy foreigner mode."
Borderline xenophobic/mysogonistic statements based on hearsay? That's what I do, and you're welcome.
I'm curious if the people saying they didn't find it that hard beat only the Robot Masters or the actual challenging part of all Mega Man games, the final castle levels. I think in Joaquim's case, I know the answer, but otherwise I agree that MM3 is a bitch, but 1 I never found THAT hard. Then again, I've only ever beaten robot masters, and not castle levels, so what do I know? Not a damn thing! lol
That trick they pulled with Dev Gaming Tycoon was pretty cool. Of course, it just led people who download their games to say the company itself was at fault for making bad games that were clones of its other games, and it was their fault for not releasing a demo, at least on Kotaku's comments (where my friend on facebook linked to, which is how I heard of it); apparently, there WAS a demo, but I'm going off hearsay.
I think "Go Your Own Way" might be my favorite Fleetwood Man song.Really like "The Chain" song you posted as well.
Enjoy the concert!
I can't remember exactly, but I was drinking since I got to the party at around 10:15pm, and didn't leave until like noon the next day. Key Stone, Jameson, Dos Equis. Also, other thing(s).
To be honest, by the time I wrote this I was probably sobering up, but I sure as hell wasn't planning on getting out of bed much that day. lol