Well, it's certainly much deeper in content than the one we played on NES, that's for sure.
Well, it's certainly much deeper in content than the one we played on NES, that's for sure.
I know exactly what you mean. I felt like once the trailer was up, I had to rush through reading Catching Fire just in case someone spoiled it. Fuckers.
At least you've read Game of Thrones (I don't have HBO), but that really does suck for people watching the show who haven't.
Hotel Dusk does sound cool.
And I got back into my workout routine as well. Deadlifted this morning, and probabaly going to do a ZuzkaLight challenge at some point today (Trainer on Youtube; yes, I'm male and she's female, but the workouts are effectve either way).
Dance Central 2 is a hell of a cardio exercise though. That game winded me last time I played it!
I love that song "Ghosts" you posted. So cool.
NeverDead sounds like someone made a game out of the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Well ... I have to say, you're a lot more excited about the Cowboys picks than a lot of people from here seem to be. lol
I watched Heavy Rain online, it had a decent story, but I'm still fairly certain the ending I saw was a bit of a cheat, and requires someone to be in two places at once. Halochief_90 said I was wrong, but I need to watch it again.
Bulletstorm has always sounded like a good time.
More reasons to buy a PS3, yet no more income for me. Man, I want that Sly HD Collection.
Krugman, that reminds me, I need to mint that trillion dollar coin one of these days. I've actually thought of picking up one of his and other modern economist's books, so that it's not all one perspective. We'll see how not-lazy I become in the next few days...
Watched the Season 3 Opener, and forget which of you was wearing it, but I approve of the Black Dahlia Murder shirt. lol
Loved it, especially Skid Row. My friend Austin showed me the Sabbath one when I visited him the weekend before last. Always liked Sodom, and the Overkill was good as well.